The Empty Writer’s Seat

I waited for you yesterday.
I saw you pass me by.
You didn’t even look my way.
I’m starting to wonder why.

When you originally bought me,
you intended to spend time with me each day.
Now your life has become filled with busy.
And I wonder if you are wanting to part ways.

I love when you sit down and go to town with your fingers.
It’s almost as if you can’t write or type fast enough.
You’ve completed masterpieces in hours,
when you aren’t distracted by other stuff.

I’m there to provide you comfort,
so that you won’t become stressed out.
When you are overloaded, you take a break.
Then it’s back to writing we go.

Don’t forget me too long and let time pass you by.
Make it a priority again for what you need to write.
What you need to say must come out of you,
so that your recipients will be alright!

The world is waiting for you.
So don’t make them wait too much longer.
Get in your chair and clear the air.
So that your writing can flow once again and be stronger!

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