There was once a time when beneath these trees friends played together, or maybe they talked about what they would be wearing to their prom. Way back in the days before social media life was lived a different way. People planned picnics, reunions, and things like special events in ancient times. People parked their cars in the parking lot of a park and took a walk together. Its hard to see it now. Maybe it’s far from your memory; below those trees lived friendships that were full of life, experiences happened, and memories were made.
Something happened one day. The internet came to be a thing. Before long we no longer needed to wait for our friend to call to make plans because we couldn’t wait to see them. We could just send a text to check in and say hi. At first we may have even texted several times a day, then days became weeks, slowly weeks became months.
You know that friend you were so close to? You now bump into them at the grocery store and maybe don’t even care if they walk down another isle. Years ago you wouldn’t be able to get to them quickly enough. Then you are picking up your milk and they happen to accidently bump into you. “Hey, is that you?” You have a quick chat over all the things that you’ve recently posted on Facebook. Then one of you make that all famous comment of “we’ve got to get together soon.” That comment you’ve been making for over four years now. Before long you’ve almost forgotten about your encounter, until the next four months later when you bump into them at Walgreen’s, at a restaurant, or the movie theatre.
Life gets busy. People get jobs. People get married and some have children. People have laundry to do, and homes/apartments to keep clean. But people had these things years ago too. What has changed? What has made people busier than ever before. In my opinion we have more devices that take up our time than ever before. We are ‘following’ the lives of people we knew 30 years ago. But we aren’t following the hurting heart of our dearest friends that we once held close to us. It can become very taxing to have to get up earlier so we can beat yesterday’s high score on the APP of our favorite game. Then we have 635 friends on Facebook, 100 people we follow on Instagram, 331 people on Snapchat, 850 people on TikTok, and need I say more?
It’s great to be connected to so many people. It’s great to check in on old classmates, or relatives that live far away. But is it necessary to know so much about what everyone is doing on 8 different social media platforms? I am not discouraging people from using Social Media. It is a great thing. But there are pros and cons that must be weighted. There are limits that must be set.
I encourage you to think of your close friends from years ago. The ones that you probably receive a Christmas Card from. This may take you totally a way from your new normal. Go to the store and get a ‘thinking of you’ card. Write them a little letter and send it to them in the mail. I say to do this even if they live within thirty miles away. Recall some old memories that aren’t forgotten. Maybe even suggest that you get together – and actually give them some possible dates/times. Make the reconnection a priority.
All is not lost when it comes to these friendships. If someone once held a special place in your heart, allow them to come more front and center again. Yes, friendships change through the years. People come and people go. Maybe you’ve just allowed yourself to be boggled with too many things (especially the things you hold in your hard – like phones/tablets/etc, and just need to reevaluate the importance of those people.
Make a memory under the trees. Go to the park for a walk. Bring a coffee and sit at the picnic table. Get the old youth group together, or your old band members. Invite your old ‘club’ to your home. Have your bestie come over and bake cookies together. Chances are for many it will seem that you just picked up where you left off. Maybe it was six weeks ago, eight months ago, or even ten years ago. Leave the cell phone in the car or at home. Stop allowing the things that take up too much time in our hands, replace the dearest things to our heart. Allow the people back in! Do something old fashioned, and put the people in front of you that you love…in person.