Don’t misplace your success this year! Sometimes it is necessary to ask yourself some questions, do inventory, and identify – what do I need to do this get this here or there
(where I NEED it to be)? Your success depends on you.
It’s important to remember that if it doesn’t fit into your life (or if it doesn’t fit you), it
might just be time to get rid of it. If I have learned anything in the past twelve months it’s that keeping things where they don’t belong will only be a hindrance to you. Did you ever have that pair of shoes in the way of the door? You keep walking over them. They are in your way, but you keep walking around them. They need to be moved or eventually you will find yourself unbalanced (trying to juggle too much around them) and you will keep potentially tripping. These shoes can also cause you time delays. It’s as simple as picking them up and moving them out of the way. Yet how many of us leave those little petty things as a barrier?
Sometimes this means disassociating with people who are toxic to your own sanity and growth. We often make too many commitments. Give yourself a little bit of time before jumping to say yes. What harm was there ever in saying “Let me get back to you?” We can overwhelm our schedules with so much that we have no place to ‘pencil’ things in.
We must build our goal plans with balance and practicality. There are so many options to help us along the way in the path to this success. Using a calendar, a journal, a phone calendar, or even a wall/desk calendar. Find one thing that use it, then stick to it. I remember when I decided to use a planner for better time management. I also used a pocket calendar, as well as my phone. So every week/month I was plugging in to at least three different sources. WE can’t forget my office/work calendar. One of my most dreaded times of the month was my calendaring. How many of us know that our goals aren’t supposed to stress us. The other thing I didn’t factor in was if something changed, I then had to edit it on every source I was using to be more organized. What is most practical for me, might not be the same for you. Some people just find that using “SIRI remind me to ….” is sufficient. Or Alexa too. Set reminders. Use your cell phone. You pay your bill so you might as well utilize the resources you have.
It’s a new year. Did you put your decorations away? Did you put ‘most’ of them away? How often we leave things that no longer belong. I had items last year that never made it to the Christmas bin. They were misplaced somewhere and then when we wanted to enjoy them this year, they were no where to be found. We take our time. We putter around. We don’t make it a priority to put things in their place, then we suffer for it later.
If you want to faithfully brush your teeth, then you need to make sure the brush and paste are in the bathroom. If you want to be better at eating together as a family, then you can’t have mail piled for six weeks on the kitchen table. If you want to work out on your exercise bike, then put it in a place that it will be in sight/reach. Get on it. Do it.
Put your focus in place. On the good. Yes I lost this/that…but what do you still have? What’s coming your way? Appreciate those things more than focusing on what your losses are. No I can’t do this, I can’t go there…but where can I go? What can I still do? What do I have time for now that I haven’t before. Get things done.
I wish. I see this person has this. This person is doing that. DO you know thee are things about your life someone wishes they had? When we close the shades and stop looking outside of our own blessings…and actually look at the things we DO have to be thankful for, you might be overwhelmed at how much you’ve taken for granted.
Every day is a gift. Well if he or she would have…I could have. Start being accountable for what you do get done or don’t get done. Remove the obstacles. Remove the excuses. Own your success. Put it in it’s place!